
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Family and Friends! 

I’m a teacher!!! This month my squad split up in our teams to go to a few different ministries. My team (7 of us) traveled to Kampong Thom to teach in a school. We are currently in our 4th and final week here and I have loved it so much! 


A typical day here looks like this: 

Play with the kids as they are dropped off 

Dances with the kids (YMCA, Cotton Eyed Joe, Church Clap, Better When I’m Dancing) 

Teaching (Games, English, Math, Jesus StoryBook Bible) 

Painting (murals at the school) 

Play with the kids as they are picked up 


Cambodia nap time! Then same things again with new kids! 

Play with the kids as they are dropped off 

Dances with the kids 



Play with the kids as they are picked up 

Teach high school night class 


One thing I’ve been doing while teaching is reading stories from the Jesus StoryBook Bible. One day I read my class the story of Daniel in the lion’s den. They loved the story so much they asked me to read another one so I turned to the story Jesus calms the storm. As I was reading I glanced around at my class full of elementary kids completely silent, staring wide eyed at the pictures of the story. I finished the story and there was a moment of silence, then one of my students, with amazement in his eyes, said, “teacha, that was a big storm”. Wow! I got to explain to a classroom full of kids that when they are in a scary situation like that storm, all they have to do is ask Jesus to calm it. I also got to bring it back to the creation story I had read a couple days prior and explain to them how the storm recognized Jesus’ voice from when they were created. 


Here in Cambodia people don’t really celebrate Christmas but they know about typical traditions. One day I was reading them the Christmas story, when I finished I drew a Christmas tree on the board and asked them all what goes on top of the tree. They all responded “a star”! Then I saw it all click in their heads as they connected the story and why there is a star on top of Christmas trees. 


Moments like these have filled my time here at the school and I could not be more thankful for this opportunity God gave me. 


During my time here I have become aware of the lack of materials the school has. There is no projector, no class computers, 2 scissors for the entire school to share, limited paper, and so much more. It has been an interesting challenge to figure out lesson plans without access to many things. 

What I’m learning 

This week my team finished up our study on Romans. Chapter 15:13 says “May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit”. We talked about the idea that God exists outside of time. Therefore He is hearing this prayer right now. Meaning that: Paul is praying joy, peace, and hope over you right now! Isn’t that amazing?!?!


We are headed back to Siem Reap on Friday to meet up with the rest of the squad and do a couple more weeks of ministry before leaving on January 2 for Thailand. 


Praying for you all at home!